Wake is Matthew Michael Ahern Hettich, a SANTA FE, NM based electronic musician who daylights as the Audio, Video, and Lighting Director at Meow Wolf and moonlights as an IDM nurd.


Matthew was born in Miami, FL but soon emigrated to the floating cloud city/colony CP09E8, currently in orbit around Europa. It was there he apprenticed with Strand Trank, the universally renowned master digi-organic sound craftsman.

It was Strand Trank who introduced Matthew to the Renoise Lifestyle Group (R.L.G.) and the associated Clan of the Kick Drum (C.o.t.K.D.), where he learned to properly honor the Great Square Wave

After Leaving CP09E8 for the ceremonial Fast Fourier Transform, Matthew settled briefly in Los Angeles, CA, to train at the California Institute of the Arts Music Technology Dojo. It was there, during the recent Comet Crisis, that he met fellow R.L.G. member, Denny Denny Breakfast, with whom he runs the Total Fucking Pizza Party. It was also in L.A. that he began to roll with the notorious "PROXIMAL RECORDS" collective.

It was the death of Strand Trank that motivated Matthew to move to Oakland, CA, to seek graduate counsel (at Mills College) with the last remaining Sawtooth of the C.o.t.K.D., Vibroy "Honest" James. It was in Oakland that he and his soul brother, Hydroplane, started Biceptuals, an order of physically well toned techno-monks. Before emigrating to p408, "Honest" blessed Matthew with the Sacred Flange, at which he stands guard, always holding the Traditional Phasor. 

It was during his guard at 'the Flange' that he fell in with Schematic Records, and it was 'the Flange' that eventually sent him to Santa Fe to work with the immersive art group Meow Wolf.

Matthew and Wyatt Keusch are currently recruiting members into a new psychic-cult of “net-label esoterica” known as Elexve.